Realtors and Servers and The Close

We attempted to sell our house a few years ago, before I was pregnant with Emersyn, then when Emersyn was born, then the last few years while Emersyn was no avail. Three bedrooms, 5 people, no basement, ain't workin.

All this time, (2 YEARS!!!)  our old realtor had left the lockbox on our front door.  It hung off the bottom of the door handle and each and every time the door was closed it hit the door jam..kill me.

Well, today, he came and took it off the door...finally.

The doorbell rang, I'm totally sick so I didn't want to answer the door and there he was with every excuse in the book as to why he never got it off my door..."how's the baby"...she's 2, that's how she is.  "our daughter is 2.."  Wait, hold on, let me check my care-o-meter.... "Tell Jim I'm so sorry about this"....yeah yeah, you didn't sell our house, you didn't take off the lock box, oh wait, yep, here it comes....

"Hey, I have some people that are in the market for a house just like this, are you listing with a realtor?" You have got to be kidding me, you didn't reallllly just suggest that you list my house? Oh no, it was the soft close, the Hey, I've got someone.... You know how many times I have heard that?! Do they teach that in Realtor BS school? They must.  It is very similar to the new one Servers use.  They tell you how fabulous you and your kids are, just as they are handing you the check...right before you figure in the tip, I had one go on and on about how much she just loved my hair....this has worked on me, but now I am on to attention, server cult.

Now I don't have a big metal thing hanging off of our front door anymore, I probably won't recognize my house anymore.  Oh well, Mr. Realtor Dude is going to sell it, he's "got someone..."

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