Jim is loud in bed...geez

I would love to be sleeping right now, I really would.  The problem is, JIM is upstairs melting the paint off the walls with his snoring.  He doesn't usually snore, but if he has dairy or alcohol--WATCH OUT!!

So here I am at 5 a.m. writing, because, God forbid I get woken up these days, because I CAN NEVER FREAKING GO BACK TO SLEEP?!?! IT DRIVES ME BANANAS!!! Hence the irritation over the bluejays and the car horns at 5 a.m... they wake me up and that's all she wrote, I am up for good.

The problem is that if I get woken up, fine, it happens, but then it starts, the THINKING! Ug, the awful thinking. I try and focus on my forehead, then I focus on ....and I could go downstairs and get a cup of coffee and ohhh..coffee, yum...it is only 4:30 though, I can't get up at 4:30, that's nuts?!  And then I focus on my breathing, in and out, nice and calm...there is that one thing I wanted to write about, ok, so it will start about my irritation with road ragers, oh but I really need to check on the difference between websites and blogs and community websites and man I am actually pretty hungry, I really liked that one girls badge she had on her website, wonder how she did that? Is it a hyperlink? Geeze I wish I knew how to do all this stuff....Ok, Meredyth, you need to chill out...

Snore, Snore, Snore....AHHHHH!!! I am never going to go back to sleep... screw it, who am I kidding, I'm up....

And I slip on my sweats and downstairs I come.  At least I can write. I mean, beating the living hell out of my husband while he sleeps, although fun, isn't really fair or nice? Not so condusive to a good marriage, or my survival..hehe...He doesn't really know he is snoring, right?  

If he did snore on a regular basis I wouldn't have married him.  I know that sounds bad, but there's no way.  I have a friend and her husband snores, awful.  Growing up or visiting, I could hear him in the next room. I was always amazed and impressed that she could sleep through that kind of insanity.  Not me, I would have lost it. To each his own, ass for every seat.. that kind of stuff.  We get what we can handle and I CAN'T HANLE snoring. 

Honestly, it makes me want to pinch him (do you have the visual?) Sometimes I do it. I slide my hand across the bed, and pinch his side, not to draw blood or anything, but to just wake him up and get my you-shouldn't-have-been-snoring dig in.  Then he sort of wakes up and stops for a moment or two.  He's actually pretty good about being nice to me when I wake him up for snoring, he gets it.  He said the other day that he can hear himself sometimes so he doesn't get upset when I wake him up.  That's good, because if you did, I would shove your snoring butt out the bedroom window...but that would be mean.

Thanks for reading. Make sure and check out other great stories in the Archives!


  1. Ha! You're not alone on this one, believe me. My husband is a snorer to the point where some nights I have to get up and sleep in the spare bedroom in order to get any rest at all. I got up this morning at 4:30 too - thanks to yours truly. I'll be ready for bed before it even gets dark out!

  2. I've considered earplugs but unfortunately (or fortunately) it isn't consistently an issue. We don't have a spare room, so it is bed or the couch...and I am not a couch person.


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