I'm Good for Something...Just not THAT!

I wish I liked to clean, I really do. I wish that I found ANY joy in mopping, sanitizing, cleaning the frig. or doing windows, but I find no happiness in any of it.  I do know women that clean daily, they watch their kids get on the bus, rush back to finish their coffee and start their day cleaning the house... not me-NOT EVER.  The only thing I use to rush and do when the kids went to school was sneak a cigarette.

I do however "pick up."  I am a great picker-uper. I got that down.  I make the beds everyday, the dishes are done and away, and the pillows are fluffed on the couch but that is IT.  I AM fortunate that we are able to pay a couple of cleaning ladies to come every other week, and I must tell you it is the best money I have ever written a check for...like EVER!

You leave the house and when you come home it is like the house Santa showed up and gave you the greatest gift of your life.  When I moved here I had really never had a cleaning lady before, but after I moved here, I realized EVERYONE HAS A CLEANING LADY!! And when I say everyone, I mean everyone....or at least everyone I met.  So one day I called and now they come twice a month, to bless my house with clean floors and sanitized potties.

I couldn't homeschool or walk my kids to the bus every morning either. I do know people that do both of these (not the same people because that would be impossible...you can't put your kids on a bus if you are homeschooling them...geez).  But this is not me either.  I just can't do it. I can't,  I tell you...I want to, want to, walk them to the bus everyday, BUT I AM SLEEPING PEOPLE! I don't want to wake up and walk them to the bus? Aren't they old enough to get themselves on the bus?  Who cares that they have been getting themselves to school every since they were in kindergarden.  I tell myself I am raising self-actualized independent kids.

Oh who am I kidding? I am not getting up at 6 a.m. to make them breakfast because I DON'T WANT TO GET UP.  Plus they can do it.  They both got alarms for their 5th birthday and they have been getting themselves up and out ever since... BAD MOM AWARD and I don't care.  It's just not my thing.

It also isn't my thing to make crafts, make chocolate covered anything or sew Halloween costumes...nope I don't do any of those either.  I'm kind of wondering what do I do?  Can you tell I just went to a Halloween party with Martha Stewart and a First Grade Teacher and felt, let's sayyyy....less-than.  There I was with my 100 Dunkin Doughnut holes and package of soft pretzels with dip.  I admit it I AM NOT MARTHA.  

My sister-in-law makes Halloween costumes, and dance costumes and school play costumes..amazing.  

Not me, I drive my family to the Halloween costume place and buy them.  I suck.

I do make dinner and wash a mean set of clothes...and I still wear make-up and do my hair so I am still good for something.  Homeschooling isn't natural anyway, I can barely teach my kids how to tie their shoes or go potty on the toilet, Algebra just isn't happening....at least not between the hours of 9 and 3, I got pillows to fluff!

Thanks for reading. Make sure and check out other great stories in the Archives!


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