Cody's moving out, I am packing the bags....This time.

Yesterday while driving to the doctors office, to have ear wax removed from Cody's ears, he informed me that "we need to have a serious conversation." Kill me NOW!  I say "well I don't want to."  He continues,  "there is nothing wrong and I am not mad or anything, I just want to live with my dad."

I am so over this conversation I can't even begin to explain.

Every year for the past three years Cody has told Jim and I, at different levels of anger and non-anger, that he wants to move and live with his dad.  Each and every time I go bananas and tell him "there is no way, I am your mom and I have raised you and you are not moving anywhere."  Then Jim and I go and have the there-is-no-way-in-hell conversation.

Ya see, no matter what the reality is, you never think anyone will ever raise your kids as good as you can, and his dad is no exception.  They won't watch him like I do, They won't pay attention to what he is watching, listening to, I do!!  Regardless of the reality, this is what I tell myself, because I am his mom, and I know best, PERIOD! 

This time my answer was a little different...."Fine, work it out with your dad and you can do whatever you want, I'm over it." Because I am. I am over thinking that I am the only one capable of not screwing this kid up.   

Cody:    "mom, if you are mad, we need to talk about it."

me:        "I'm not mad."

Cody:   "mom, if you are sad, we need to talk about it."

me:       "I'm not sad, I don't care what you do, this is your life, live it.  If that means moving to your   dad's then have them pick you up, I am sick of talking about this...sick."

Cody:     "Then let's call him now," as he picks up MY cell phone.

me:       "no, see, do this on your own time. I want nothing to do with this. This is between you and your father and you can call him when you get home on the house phone. I am not talking to your dad, I am not discussing this, I want nothing to do with this, just don't call me in 2 weeks when you are fighting with everyone over THERE."

He then proceeds to tell me how he wants to work on his relationship with his step-mom and dad and blah blah whatever you want to do. I am sooo over the "I want to move to my dad's conversation." You can only have the same conversation so many times, ya know.

Plus, what the heck, I have been raising this wacky kid for the past nine years, his dad can handle the next 4? Right?!

Cody will never move, I think he just likes to hear the words, see how I react and watch me squirm, but this time I didn't squirm, I'll pack his damn bags.

Let him move, maybe it will do him some good? I'm not judging, I am sure they would be just as good at raising Cody as I have been, maybe better.  I am sure they will love driving him to the doctors every six months to get ear wax removed from his stuff, I want everyone to be able to experience this.

Thanks for reading. Make sure and check out other great stories in the Archives!


  1. Divorce is horrible. Nobody tells you in school to make a list and make sure that it might work. When marriage does not work and for whatever reason the marriage ends, hopefully the parents do not bounce and use the kids to spew(?) their hate. If parents are doing their best, they have a pact that kids are very important and should not be an issue in the adults' messed up relationship. So, the kids. They have always loved both parents, lived with both parents and now it ain't that way. Cody. He is perfectly normal and in a perfect world you all would live in the same house parents, steps, dogs and goldfish. He'd have a great life end of story. But life's not all happiness and Cody will have to deal with the vomit adults cause. I think it's like the Browns losing every week.

  2. The grass is always greener, I remember you moved to you dad's a couple of times and begged Mom to move back. He will probably do the same, but come back appreciating you that much more!!

  3. He ain't going anywhere...but if he does...I will be really really mean so he doesn't WANT to move


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