Chips and Salsa Talk to Me

Wouldn't it be nice to have a hunger switch.  Think about it, the hunger starts creeping in, telling you chippsss and is right there in the pantry...just have a few, it's ok, you didn't eat much lunch.  And BAM...You could turn that damn hunger right the heck off! Aww yeah, that would be great.

Yeah, blue tortilla chips and me, we have a relationship, and it is an intense one, there is no such thing as the word "no" between me and that chip, it is YES YES YES... and that is without salsa.

Seriously, I want to STOP being hungry.  Why can't I just sit here, watch a little TV and not have the food in the refrigerator call my name? Who told them my name anyway, not me!"  I want to be left alone. I don't want my stomach to gurgle or growl, I don't want to want a scoop of ice cream or just one cookie?!

I want to be hungry like the skinny girls on TV, they can't possibly be hungry, nobody can be hungry and ignore it to the extent that they have to!  These chicks are 5 feet 10 inches and weigh 120 pounds! Seriously? I haven't weighed 120 lbs since 6th grade.  Do they go "ok, I have felt hungry for 2 days now but I am only going to have a little salad with lemon juice and that will be fine.." Oh to have that kind of willpower. How the heck does anyone do that?

Then there are the plans, the products, the companies, the deal-a-meals...and as soon as you walk one step away from their plan or pill, BAM 50 pounds of new fat.

I know what to do, I am just sick of doing it. It is exhausting to TRY all the time. Life and food and eating and not eating and working out, and this and I don't want to "do it." I just want to live my life, eat food and be done with it already.

It is these ads that make us nuts, nobody looks like they do in magazines or on TV..except maybe Courtney Cox, I think she probably looks like that in real life.. but besides her...nope, they all have issues.  All this airbrushing and retouching....can you imagine looking at a photo of yourself and you don't look like the photo...AND IT IS YOU?!

I don't expect to eat crap and be thin...that is ridiculous, I don't think that, but even Jim says with what I eat, I should be a size 4. PERIOD! I think I have a blockage? Do you think that is possible? A fat blockage where it is all just stuck in some crazy fat holding pattern?

I'm over it. I fit in my jeans and don't embarrass my kids or husband so there ya have it.  I also don't want to be weird thin. Have you seen weird thin? It is like crepe skin, big fake boobs, uber tan and weird thin? Not cute. I would rather be me then weird thin.  They are like, the thin you always wanted to be..but for some reason when you look at them, you all of a sudden don't want to be thin anymore.

Weird thin. Hunger switch...yeah.  So from now on, instead of someone saying "IT'S NOT LIKE YOU'RE CURING CANCER OR ANYTHING..." they should say "IT'S NOT LIKE YOU INVENTED THE HUNGER SWITCH OR ANYTHING..." because then I could say no to blue chips!

Thanks for reading. Make sure and check out other great stories in the Archives!


  1. I would love a hunger switch. I always though instead a knife you could cut all the fat away from home, and it be safe:)

  2. in my next life I will invent one for all of us...and then I will be granted sainthood!


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