The Bus Driver called Cody a "Retard"

If you say "retard" at my kids' school now, you get a detention. Fine, I get it, it is not a nice word--at all, but what happens when the bus driver calls your kid a "retard?"

The bus driver was irritated with Cody and his group of friends so he called Cody "retarded."  He called him this with other kids sitting on the bus and in front of Cody's group of friends.  This name calling was all because Cody and his friends were talking to loudly.

I am perplexed by this.  Do I ignore it, or do I storm the bus garage and give ol' Frankie Poo a piece of my parental mind?

Maybe Cody deserved being called A name, I know I have called him names, geeze, I am pretty sure I called him a name or two today, but does that mean that a school employee has the right to call him names?  That's my job.

Then there is the other side of this.  This poor guy gets paid to drive 30 kids around all day.  Kids who probably don't listen, who act like lunatics the whole time and all the bus driver has in his arsenal is words? What to do?  Should there be suitable names bus drivers can call kids, like pain, jerk or juvenile delinquent?  These guys don't give detentions or suspensions? Except that one time....

Two years ago Cody was punched in the stomach by another kid that was 2x his size and Cody kicked the kid back, they both got suspended.  I guess when there is actual physical violence everyone goes to the office.

The bus is a nightmare, but there's no way I'm driving them!

Maybe the bus is a right of passage of sorts. Maybe you get called a "retard" or "moron" when the bus driver has completely lost it and doesn't know what else to do?  Maybe he could have called Cody a "complete jerk" and I would have been more ok with it, maybe that is what upset me,  that he used the word, "retard." I work hard not to have my kids use words like that.

Back to the drawing board.

I won't say anything to the school or the bus driver, Lord knows I don't want them threatening not to drive him the 1 mile to school anymore!!  Maybe Cody will cool it and listen to the bus driver and zip his lips? I doubt it, but maybe, a mom can dream.  Until then, I will continue to work on my kids not calling people names.  As for the bus driver,  shouldn't he at least get a detention?

I guess all things being equal, the bus driver calling Cody a name is better than him swatting or caning him...although a girl CAN dream....

Thanks for reading. Make sure and check out other great stories in the Archives!


  1. I don't know how old cody is, but could he walk a mile to school?

  2. They won't let the kids here walk to school unless they live RIGHT on top of the me, where I use to live I had my kids walking to school in kindergarden!! Here, nobody is allowed to there are zero sidewalks! It's ridiculous...we are moving..and the first thing on my list is SIDEWALKS!! You don't realize how important sidewalks are!


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