Starbucks and Heaven and Church

Coffee makes me love Jim more. It's weird but it's a fact. There is just something about drinking coffee that makes me love him deep in my gut, in my bones. It makes me want to snuggle with him. Mmmmm. love coffee, love Jim, love coffee....

There is just something about the event of coffee. The way it smells, the way it goes in it's own special cup, the selection of the cup, the different flavors, the flavored creamer... endless possibilities of changing your own personal heaven.

Wrapping my robe around me in the morning, slipping on my way-to-big sweatpants and a pair of worn-in slippers, feeling the cold crispness of the morning air.. and most important, coffee! I gave it up for awhile, right after I read Skinny Bitch. I drank tea for months, but then I had a kidney stone and the doctors said tea can cause kidney stones, so that was my way back to coffee. Back to heaven. Back to Jim.

I dread 11:00 a.m. Eleven is pretty much the official end of morning. The time when coffee seems inappropriate, almost desperate. Like, "hey, let go, tomorrow morning will be here soon, you can't possibly make another cup..geeze, junky.."  That's just it, I don't drink a lot of coffee, I only have two cups, I just savor them, make them last, need a lid so they don't get cold. Ridiculous. Delicious. But what is with the obsession?

Is it because it is low calorie but feels like a hot fudge sundae? Is it because the whole day is in front of me? Does that cup of coffee represent the beginning of a day's possibilities? Don't know. All I know is that first sip is like warm, liquid velvet melting me to my core.

I am not a person that goes out for coffee much, almost never, but when I do, I love the event of Starbucks! Ohhhh, the orange walls, purple ceilings, not-to-much effort paintings, baskets of stuff you don't need but are willing to all of a sudden pay $10 for.  Oh the sound of soft coffee-house music, available CDs for sale, edgy, unshaven, earring-clad Baristas...oh Baristas, the most non-cool, cool thing to call someone who makes coffee drinks! Oh how I wish I had majored in Barista. I could have dyed my hair purple and black, pierced my nose or eyebrow and talked to all the coffee-loving artists, lawyers and stroller moms.  I could have patiently listened to people placing drink orders,  silently judged their Starbuck's coffee ordering abilities.  I could have yelled "VICTORIA..., VENTE-ICED-WHITE-MOCHA-SOY-LATTE-WITH-WHIP!" Oh whip, what a great way to say whipped cream.  I want to yell "VENTE!" "LATTE!" "WHHIPPPP!" I have to apply there. Mental note: bucket list #140 be a Barista for at least a month or so.

I was driving down the street the other day. The town over has a great downtown Main street area with a STARBUCKS!  Every Sunday after church Jim, Emersyn and I would walk to Starbucks after church while Cody and Skylar were in Sunday School.  We really don't go to church in summer so we haven't been in weeks.  As I drove down Main, I saw Starbucks...Starbucks with the small circle tables and chairs outside, the woman on the green Starbucks sign calling me to come in and get a latte.  I longed for a walk from church with Jim...oh Jim, my coffee husband, the love of my coffee life... weird, weird but true, and he knows it and gets it? We are made for each other.

So I am excited to go back to church, but really all I want is the coffee, How bad is that? I guess I need the the whole, walk, cold fall air, trip to Starbucks.. I base my eternal salvation on some ungodly bitter black beans, ground up, scalded and served in the most perfectly written on paper cups..hey, whatever gets you to heaven, right?


So I am planning to venture to Starbucks on Sunday, and church as well. The ridged cardboard cup sleeve, blueberry scones, puffy chairs...heaven... well, heaven is the goal and if church doesn't get me there...the coffee will definitely make me feel like I am there, at least till 11:00.

Thanks for reading. Make sure and check out other great stories in the Archives!


  1. Love this post Meredyth. I did not start drinking coffee until Alexander was born. I had a sudden need for alertness being a new mom at 40! I love the coffee experience and drinking it at home. The morning quiet with my favorite cup, favorite coffee and now reading your blog each morning! The smell alone brings memories of home from growing up with the smell of coffee brewing every morning in my mom's kitchen. Also coffee also speaks to times with friends, meeting for coffee or neighbors visiting so we will "Put the coffee on!" And of course with every good cup of coffee we should all have a cake ball too!:)

  2. Thanks for the comment Christine!! Oh the coffee balls, there are thousands on the internet!! amazing, a whole cake ball world out there I had no idea about.


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