Barney or The Situation?!

Well, it's official, I have ruined another kid.  This one is only two and I have completely messed her up. No, she isn't sipping the Octoberfest or addicted to meth, she has become a TV-aholic.  It is my fault, I admit it, just a few short weeks ago she was a non-watching-TV kid, all cute and perfect and wanting to read and play with her toys, and then I said it..."oh, Emersyn, she doesn't watch tv.." in my head she's perfect, she likes to read, she's not like YOUR kid. 

So I opened my mouth, and of course, I am now dealing with the backlash of judgement.  She wants TV as soon as she wakes up, TV in the car and TV if we are in the house. She is completely obsessed. Dora, Boots, Diego, The Backyardigans,  Yo Gabba Gabba.... poor Emersyn, she had a chance.  A chance at life, a chance to learn, to read, to play with toys and build with blocks, now she is just a TV watching mush-head, oh well...

Another one ruined.

What's a mom to do? Maybe I shouldn't have judged? Maybe I shouldn't have bought her those movies for the car on our 9 hour car ride from Ohio? Hey, it was survival, what were we suppose to do, that's a long trip and hey, why did I buy a van with a DVD player if I wasn't going to use it?

Maybe that's just it, leave the guilt, let her watch tv, in m-o-d-e-r-a-t-i-o-n. Yeah right... There is no moderation with this. She cries as if I had just beat her with the remote, tears streaming down her face leaving those awful salty tear marks on her cheeks. Boogers and snot running down her face, all while throwing the wa-mote at me. Oh but yes, she has learned the power of the
wa-mote and that it turns it all on and changes the TV to watch what she likes.

That is another problem, she's not even 2 yet and doesn't understand that Barney isn't on all day waiting for her to watch him.  So if she doesn't see what she likes (and I am, let's sayyyy, typing on the computer) she is beating me with the wa-mote, saying "Boots, Do-wa, Dabba Dabba, Boobie (that's movie, oh so fun in public... "Boobie mamma Boobie,"....yah, kill me).
So there's me, typing away, being handed the wa-mote over and over and I am so into what I am typing I take the remote from her and just put it on the other side of me, as if she won't step over the laptop cord, and get it on the other side of me, and hand it right back to me..."Boots mama!"

So I am the worst mom ever! I get it. TV, the root of all that is evil, I agree totally, but ya know, I have been a stay at home mom for 14 years. I have worked a few part time jobs here and there while my older two kids were in school, but for the most part I've sat in this house, joining mom groups, making dinner, fixing breakfast, putting together puzzles and reading Olivia books and this is the first time in my life that I have found something that speaks to me, that says "hey, this is worth letting your kids watch TV for!" Is there anything worth letting your kids watch TV for? YEP! YOUR SANITY!!

So there is the dilemma, a mush-head 2 year old and me being happy OR a smart 2 year old and me drooling in the corner letting another decade of my life pass me by doing the mom-only thing? I'll take a mush-head 2 year old. Hey we went to the library this morning...back off, I'm not a complete waste of motherhood!!

I guess I will just have to schedule my typing, my studying, my soul searching, during nap time. I guess this is my first real experience with mommy-time-management? Who knew?

So this is the thing, I check my work, but if I type Elmo or Dora in one of these blogs, you know I am sitting on my couch typing away and have cartoons playing in the background and one of them seeped into my subconscience... and yes, that means Emersyn is watching TV, again. Hey, it could be worse, I could have her watching Snookie or The Situation! Geeze....

Thanks for reading. Make sure and check out other great stories in the Archives!


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